Matagorda County Museum Our Blog What is Cultural Heritage?

What is Cultural Heritage?

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Cultural heritage is the set of cultural objects, places and traditions, including tangible heritage (art, historical monuments and buildings, and archaeological sites) as well as intangible heritage such as music, dance and language that form a culture. It is the shared experience of a community, its history and identity, that we want to preserve and pass on to future generations.

The notion of cultural heritage evolved from the desire to safeguard cultural objects and natural landscapes from destruction. It is a complex concept, and different categories of heritage, such as world, national or local, are defined according to the values recognized by specific groups of people. The selection of objects, monuments and natural environments that are preserved sets the trajectory for the various cultural narratives and societal consensus about the past and the present.

Moreover, the meaning of heritage changes over time and is continuously challenged by new developments in society and technology. Economists provide useful definitions of cultural heritage that highlight the complexity of the phenomenon and the variety of its effects: “heterogeneous set of goods, intangible service increasing the utility of consumers and in which historic buildings or artifacts are inputs”; “cultural capital, a non-monetary good that has symbolic value but no intrinsic one”; and “history-changing process that consists in a permanent transformation of human culture” (Vecco, 2010).

Heritage is inevitably affected by the passage of time and is often prone to damage, loss or disappearance. Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce the impact of adverse events by improving management and conservation strategies. Furthermore, the use of new technologies and the development of new methodologies allow us to monitor and evaluate the state of cultural heritage and to detect any problems as quickly as possible.

Cultural heritage is important to each individual and can make them feel strong ties to their family and their home country. However, it is important to remember that you are in control of your own cultural heritage and can choose not to live by certain traditions or beliefs if they don’t align with truth or with what serves you. Be the brave person in your family who breaks cycles of abuse or lets go of negative/harmful beliefs and practices.

For those interested in preserving their own heritage or that of other cultures, Transkribus offers tools that can be used to digitize documents and records, create 3D models of heritage objects and buildings, produce audiovisual content, build interactive digital exhibitions and much more! The company is also working on a global platform that will connect the different communities who work to preserve their heritage and promote collaborations. Check out their website for more information!