A museum is a non-profit institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage, to provide a place where wonder is experienced and whispered, ideas are exchanged and lessons learned. Museums are institutions that open all knowledge to the public, fostering diversity and sustainability, operating and communicating ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities.
In recent years, museums have been redefining their roles as they strive to reach more and more people with quality transformative experiences. This has been a result of the growing recognition that museums have important social responsibilities. Museums play a crucial role in their communities, and by providing visitors with a more meaningful experience, they are able to help their audiences grow emotionally, intellectually, and culturally.
Providing meaning that leads to a quality transformative experience has also been shown to have economic benefits for museums. When museums attract more visitors, it enables them to reach more people with their transformative messages and provides the museum with the resources necessary to continue its work.
The definition of museum has been a topic of debate in the museum field for many decades. A proposal to update the existing definition was brought forward at Icom’s last conference in 2019 but was ultimately defeated. However, Icom’s Standing Committee for Museum Definition, Prospects and Potentials is continuing to work on a new definition that will include intangible heritage as well as addressing issues of decolonisation, repatriation, and restitution, which were notably absent from the previous version of the definition.
As part of the process, ICOM has launched a series of consultations to seek input from the museum community. These consultations, which are taking place online and face-to-face, will help to shape the final proposal for the definition that ICOM’s General Conference will vote on in 2022.
One of the most exciting aspects of the new museum definition is that it is intended to be a living document that will continue to evolve as the global museum community works together. As a result, this is an excellent opportunity to learn from the museum professionals working in the field about the challenges and opportunities they see for the future of the museum.
Museums often serve as a cultural embassy, and they can be important in developing a sense of local identity. In addition, museums can help children understand the value of seeking information from multiple sources and why they should not always trust everything they read online. Museums are also a great way to show kids how knowledge is created, which can help them build a solid foundation for future academic success.
Museums can be overwhelming for children because they are often housed in large buildings with a lot of objects to look at. Using the tips below, you can make a museum visit more manageable for your kids so they can enjoy it more and get the most out of their experience.